SegundoRoger Bastide, ' ' it is noticed that in all they, deuses, are Voduns or Orixs, find in narrow correspondence with the saints catlicos' '. (BASTIDE, 1971.361) Beyond the aspectofundacional, they are attributed all the orientation of the actions human beings to long davida the terrena one. Orixs if communicates by means of babalorixs by means of cultode possession, opening, through this, the contact direct with supernatural embusca of orientaes and solutions for the most diverse problems of the vidacotidiana. A informaointeressante of if standing out are that before century XIX candombls foramchamados of calundus mainly in the Bahia. In Africa, great part of orixs deserves specific cult from definitive regioou city, being of local or regional character the orientation in the cult form, being that few are orixs cultuados in all the territory iorub. The Africans deorigem banto had still had contact with the catolicismo in Africa, principalmenteno case of that had lived in Luanda or other centers of colonizaoportuguesa.
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